Archives for: June 2008


Permalink 12:01:00 am, by Brent Email , 874 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Uncategorized

Try Jesus

Riding the bus to work some time back, I noticed a car with several religious bumper stickers, as well as the Ichthus, displayed on the back. The bumper sticker that caught my attention read simply, “Try Jesus.” As I began to consider that short clause,… more »


Permalink 12:01:00 am, by Brent Email , 122 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Uncategorized

Fiscal Responsibility, Restraint & Resolve

There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no independence quite so important, as living within your means. — Calvin Coolidge Living beyond one's means affects many individuals, families, organizations, and nations, and it leads to a host of problems… more »