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In Sin and Guilt
In sin and guilt, I stood condemned
Before the throne. No hope remained,
For Justice came, unsheathed his sword,
Then to inflict my sin’s reward.
“Give him to me, without delay,
He now must die, his debt to pay.”
But Jesus stood, God’s Son divine,
And then proclaimed, “No, he is mine!
His death, I died; his debt, I paid.
I have a full atonement made.
What you demand, Has ‘ere been done.
And thus his freedom has been won.”
Then Justice sat, well satisfied.
His sword now sheathed, for one had died,
So God is just, yet can forgive,
Make me His son, and let me live.
Thus justified, bold now I stand
Not on my own, but by His hand.
—Brent Marshall, 2010